
Allows to intercept detekt's result container by listening to the initial and final state and manipulate the reported findings.


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open val id: String

Name of the extension.

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open val priority: Int

Is used to run extensions in a specific order. The higher the priority the sooner the extension will run in detekt's lifecycle.


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open fun init(config: Config)

Allows to read any or even user defined properties from the detekt yaml config to setup this extension.

open fun init(context: SetupContext)

Setup extension by querying common paths and config options.

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open fun onFinalResult(result: Detektion)

Is called after all extensions's transformFindings were called.

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open fun onRawResult(result: Detektion)

Is called before any transformFindings calls were executed.

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Allows to transform the reported findings e.g. apply custom filtering.